Smith Point JOAD

Tips and advice
 Smith Point JOAD

The Archer's Tackle Box

What is the archer's tackle box ? 
Basically, its a smal box that contains extra parts for the archers bow in case something breaks or is lost.  The box itself can vary in size and shape from a single compartment 4" square box with a lid (think sandwich sized tupperware) to a multi compartment fishing tackle box.  Depending on the needs and experience of the archer, the contents of the box will vary greatly.  Many coaches will also carry more complex boxes that not only contain parts, but tools as well.

What goes into the tackle box? 
Basically... archer's tackle. 
Some items may include (but not always):
Backup string, allen Wrenches that fit every size screw on your bow, Loctite (blue only), Fletch- Tite Glue
Duct tape, WD-40, Ferr-L-Tite Glue, Bow string wax, Extra nocks, Nocking pliers, Torch or cigarette lighter
Assorted screws, bolts, nuts and washers, Needle nosed pliers, Small adjustable Crescent wrench, Bow square, Serving thread and or dental floss
Marking pen for arrows, Pencils, Single edge razor blade, Band-aids, Small fingernail clippers, Bow stringer, Screwdrivers - phillips and flat blade
Hammer & Chisel (Advanced Kit), Anything that can break or fall off  your bow,
Anything else that makes sense to you!!!
Something else to think about (because that just wasnt enough):
Sunscreen, Insect repellant, Hat, Water

Items typically found in or on quivers:
Rosin or Baby Powder, Allen Wrenches, Arrow puller
Bow square, Finger sling, Arm guard, Clothing protector, Bow stringer, Finger tab or release

© Smith Point JOAD 2014